Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Authentication in embedded Jetty 7 server

A change in Jetty security from 6 to 7 is the introduction of LoginService, which was designed to replace UserRealm based approach. The usage of LoginService can be seen in the example SecuredHelloHandler and the test case of SecuredContentExchangeTest . Basically, the LoginService needs to be attached to a SecurityHander, and the SecurityHandler needs to wrap the handler that needs the authentication service. This can be done by either


ServletContextHandler theContext = new ServletContextHandler(handlerContainer, contextPath, sessionHandler, securityHandler, servletHandler, errorHandler);


  1. As part of our product we plan to port (Upgrade) from Jetty 6.1.14 to 7.x. I see a lot have changed from Jetty 6.x to 7.x. One such change is Package name change. Eg : UserRealm ( has been changed to LoginService ( LoginService).

    Some of the Classes have been removed in 7.X. Such as SSORealm class (Single Sign On) present in package has been removed. Can you please comment on the below questions.
    · How 7.x handles Single Sign On (SSO) ? (Have searched a lot but couldn’t find L)
    · Do we have any replacement for SSORealm ? (As we do have LoginService (7.x) for UserRealm (6.x))
    · Any alternative, on how to use SSO.

  2. Did anyone find a replacement for the SSORealm class in Jetty 7+? Tomcat has this feature and it's becoming a blocker for us moving to Jetty.

  3. I think SSORealm is a kind of hacking. It is easy but would have some issues. If you need the SSO support, why not use CAS or Shibboleth in your applications?
