Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Reflection from Pat Helland about Amazon S3 outrage

The post titled "Confidence in the Cloud" by Data guru Pat is really worth reading. Interesting quotations from his post:
the implementations which sent the minimum amount of data seemed to be the most resilient.
which leads to
Communicating less information within a message is usually best. If you send extra stuff, it can cause corruption!
For cloud, he predicts
As I look at data center cost structures, it is clear that it is going to be a competitive business with many advantages to large data center managers with large economies of scale. In a handful of years, most companies will look to offsite providers for their reliable servers.

1 comment:

  1. if you want to explore Amazon S3 online storage and configure CloudFront CDN I suggest that you try CloudBerry S3 Explorer Freeware http://cloudberrylab.com/
